Interfaith of The Woodlands

Personal Trainer – Felicia Rose Smith Shares a Great Workout Routine for Northshore Park

Felicia Rose Personal Trainer
Personal Trainer – Felicia Rose Smith
The Woodlands is known for its unique wooded environment with countless
trails and parks for residents to enjoy. That’s why being active and
outdoors is at the top of the list for many Woodlands residents.

One park in particular where many of my clients enjoy training is
Northshore Park with walking areas covered and hidden by trees. The lake
offers a very peaceful view with breathtaking scenery, especially at dusk.
Add in the fact that Northshore has plenty of benches and an open field
and you have wonderful park to grab a quick little workout.

If you are looking to workout at Northshore, here is a sample routine I
offer clients:

WARM UP-1 lap around park


10 jump squats

10 step-ups on bench or concrete

15 Push-ups incline on bench

1 minute plank

20 reverse crunch on open field

20 walking lunges

Repeat 5 rounds

I would love to connect with you if you are looking to get started on a
work out program. You can email me

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